Here are some more pics from my little Christmas break. This is Ester, one of my oldest sisters cats. She loves to cuddle and cannot put her tongue back properly into her mouth. There's another cat as well, Iris.
Iris is addicted to grift wrap and ribbons so all the Christmas presents had to be put into boxes and baskets or Iris will eat all the ribbons and strings. My sister told me that it got so bad that this cute lady like little cat actually was shitting a few meters of string...imagine that, pooh coming out attached to a few meters of string...yeaick...
And I thought that this was very cute, big brother William and big sister Amanda gave their little sister a Christmas present and on the note it says "Even-though you are so stubborn and sulky we love you very much".
Pimped street sign.
Now I am going to panic clean my flat before all the New Years eve guests arrive, Happy New Year everyone!