Wednesday, 10 April 2013


 photo monsterworkinprogressbyasawikmancopyasawikman-3.jpg

 photo rollerskatingdogworkinprogressbyasawikmancopyasawikman-2.jpg

 photo rollerskatingmonsterworkinprogress2byasawikmancopyasawikman-1.jpg

 photo rollerskatingmonsterworkinprogressbyasawikmancopyasawikman-1.jpg

Here's a sneak peek from a new project that I am working on, the only thing I can say is that it will be a very packed roller skating disco and that I am having lot's of fun!


Karin Söderquist said...

Hahah, the dog!!! Love these guys!

Åsa said...

Thank you Karin, I am glad u like them, I have been drawing roller skating characters and monsters all evening, so much fun!