Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Natural History Museum pt 3



I had a great day at the National History museum today, I went with a friend visiting from Sweden who will become a Nature Science teacher soon so he is very interested in the evolution and biology and animals - just like me. As we were in my favourite section of the museum, the Spirit Collection, I asked the staff if it was possible to book private views and see more of all the species within the museum - and guess what? They said that they were just about to give some scientists from a museum in Netherlands a small tour and that my friend and I could join if we wanted! How great is that!

Unfortunately we were not allowed to use our cameras down in the basement but I have seen a conserved giant deep sea squid that was caught outside the Falkland Islands in 2004 (or was it 2002? Hmm..anyway), it was a she with the nickname Archie and she was bigger then a double decker bus. After that was shown a special cupboard with conserved animals, it was from Darwin's own collection! 

My only complaints about the day is that the cafe has horrible coffee and that the museum is not showing enough insects and spiders - otherwise, what a great museum, to even let people come in behind the scenes and get a glimpse to see how the work, I loved it! 

Big thanks to Oli who let us join the tour!


Karin Söderquist said...

Shit, vad coolt att få gå på private tour!!!!

Åsa said...

Ja! Jag kande mig som en liten 6-aring, man kan tydligen boka en hel del private tours. Jag tyckte att insekts avdelningen var lite fattig men dem skryter om att en tredjedel eller nat sant av deras kollektion ar insekter sa jag tror att man kan boka och fa se mer av den med :)