Wednesday, 20 March 2013

I ♥ Hamster IPhone Cover

Asa Wikman I love Hamster Iphone case now available at Iconemesis

I am at home with a nasty cold and hope that I not will have to cancel the Design Market on Friday as I am really looking forward to it, so right now its pretty much all about pots of tea, lot's of sleep and garlic, chilli and ginger.

But I did not come online to nag about my cold and that I am ill but to share some good news, my I Love Hamster design is now available at Iconemesis as a Iphone cover, and to celebrate that you are currently getting 20% off if you use the code: ICON220, yeay!

To visit Iconemesis website please click here

That's it from me for now, I am back to bed!

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