Sunday, 14 October 2012

Patterns in Nature: Minerals




I went to my favourite museum in London today, the Natural History Museum. But I forgot that it is a bad idea to go on a Sunday when there are screaming kids all over the place and then at the museum surrounded by screaming kids the fever came back so it ended up being a bit of a hellish experience that ended up with an early escape and a few painkillers. But I love that museum and wanted to share some pictures from their mineral collection. I find it absolutely mind blowing what nature creates and shapes and for a long time I have wanted to make a pattern collection inspired by all these amazing patterns and colour schemes that you can find in stones and minerals but I haven't sat down and done it yet, aren't they amazing?


Maite said...

Haha I know that feeling, when you go to a museum on weekend and it's full of kids... Noo..

Åsa said...

Yes, it's a no, no. Do it on a Monday instead ;)

Ajantis said...

aaah great photos! i need to get back to that museum, haven't been for well over a year!

Åsa said...

Hey Ajantis!

Thank you :)

Yes it's great, I never get tired of that museum either even though I have been there like 4 -5 times this year already…but I am a geek so..

Let me know when your going and I might drag Felix with me and come with you, Felix has never been.