Bouncer and his dog eating lunch in London
This morning I got some good news. And I needed it cos today is a shit day. So I was very happy to open up my mail and find out that my photography has been chosen to take part in the Cut-click anniversary exhibition at the Abbey Walk Gallery this summer;
Cut-click Anniversary Exhibition
30 June to 25 July 2009
Cut-click is an innovative online magazine for art & design. The Exhibition curated by the magazines creators Daniel Baker and Caroline Twidle celebrates their first anniversary of publication. The exhibition will feature a selection of original mixed media work by national and international artists and designers who have contributed to cut-click during their inaugural year.
Abbey Walk Gallery
8 Abbey Walk
PS Let me know if you would like to go and I will send you an invite )
All the Best,
Det här fotot är verkligen skitbra, i love it.
Tack! :)
Dem alskade varandra sa mycket, fotona ger det ingen rattvisa, dem var ett sant par, blev helt rord av att fota dem och hora hur dem pratade med varandra
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