Thursday, 30 May 2013

Flyer for Anorak Magazine

Process, with our without line and speech bubble, hmm…)

Today I made this flyer for one of my absolute favourite magazines, ANORAK MAGAZINE, if you aren't familiar with them already then you should definitely check them out!

On July 10th, ANORAK MAGAZINE will be holding a two-hour workshop at YCN in Shoreditch, London, from 6.30 PM where Cathy Olmedillas, the Publisher and Producer of Anorak Magazine will take you through how she launched Anorak and how it evolved from a creative outlet to a business and share some tips on how to get started and also discuss your ideas. Great for anyone who is considering starting their own magazine.


Karin Söderquist said...

This is great, I love the yellow guy!

Åsa said...

Thank you Karin, glad u like it! :)