Friday, 3 July 2009

Karin, Åsa and Maria got a fanzine together!

Hi Everyone!

Instead of struggling with my luggage I thought I would share some good news with you, me and the talented illustrators Karin Söderquist  and Maria Vladimirova are starting a fanzine together. It will be a pure Illustration fanzine and the first issues theme is Dreams and will be released this autumn. 

I will get back to you with a sneak preview later and details about where you can get it. For those of you that have missed Karin's and Maria's work you can have a look here:

 Maria Vladimirova

 Karin Söderquist

Back to packing!

All the Best,


Karin Söderquist said...

It's going to be the best fanzine EVER!

Åsa said...